Monday, February 9, 2009

44 Sweaters in Honor of our 44th President Barack Obama

So.... in honor of our 44th President, Barack Obama, and his call to public and community service I decided to make 44 hand knit sweaters for babies and children and donating them to a local charity. This is the commitment I made to honor him and the amazing hope he has inspired in the American people.

Of course I started to panic a bit when I later documented my commitment at Starbucks. They ran a promotion here in San Diego to offer a free coffee to anyone committing to do 5 hours of community service. 44 sweaters will definitely take more than five hours. Now I am on the hook or should I say on the needles.

I am totally prepared to knit every one of the sweaters myself, but I decided I might like to engage others to participate in my project. I have mentioned the project to friends and other knitters and have had some enthusiastic support. One of my friends from college queried why I was only making 44 why not 44,000 she asked. It's a good question. I would have to have some help for that. Perhaps as the project gets going I will inspire others to do a like project in their area and the number of children wrapped in loving warmth will actually grow as she mused.

One friend asked me when the deadline would be for collection of the sweaters. Well, I hadn't thought of that. My first response was Mother's Day. Then when I thought a little more about it I realized it might be unrealistic. So, I decided on Labor Day 2009.

In my blog I hope to document the progress and include pictures of the sweaters as I progress. I imagine that it will be a little bit of three steps forward and one step back. Why you may ask. Well, what am I to do when a family member or friend is expecting a new grandchild or a young friend is having a baby?

I would love to have help and give each and every one of you that may read this the opportunity to do this service with me. I have some plans to create a tag for each sweater with the name of the knitter, a title for the piece, a greeting and that it is one of 44 Sweaters made in the honor of our 44th President, Barack Obama.


  1. Stacy,
    You are so awesome! What a wonderful thing you're doing. I wish I knew how to knit so that I could help you.
    I'm proud to be your cousin.
    Love, Jan

  2. Stacy your Blog set up is artistic and your willingness to knit for humanity is noteworthy. You are broadening the scope of your creative ability which is as have always told you is super. Keep up the good work and you will continue to inspire all.
